أخبار الآن | المملكة المتحدة – dailymail

لأول مرة، زارت دوقة ساسكس الأميرة ميغان ماركل مع زوجها الأمير هاري، نصب وستمنستر آبي التذكاري، يوم الخميس، وذلك قبل يوم الأحد التذكاري.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex leaves after paying her respects during a visit to the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey in central London on November 7, 2019. - The Field of Remembrance is organised by The Poppy Factory, and has been held in the grounds of Westminster Abbey since November 1928, when only two Remembrance Tribute Crosses were planted. In the run-up to Armistice Day, many Britons wear a paper red poppy -- symbolising the poppies which grew on French and Belgian battlefields during World War I -- in their lapels. (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP)

(Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP)

ومنذ تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر عام 1928، تقام ذكرى تكريم قتلى الحرب البريطانيين في مقابر “وستمنستر آبي”. كذلك، فقد جرى تخصيص أكثر من 360 قطعة أرض لأفواج وجمعيات أخرى إحياء لذكرى الذين لقوا حتفهم في خدمة الآخرين.

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex pay their respects after laying a Cross of Remembrance in front of wooden crosses from the Graves of Unknown British Soldiers from the First and Second World Wars, during their visit to the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey in central London on November 7, 2019. - The Field of Remembrance is organised by The Poppy Factory, and has been held in the grounds of Westminster Abbey since November 1928, when only two Remembrance Tribute Crosses were planted. In the run-up to Armistice Day, many Britons wear a paper red poppy -- symbolising the poppies which grew on French and Belgian battlefields during World War I -- in their lapels. (Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth / POOL / AFP)

(Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth / POOL / AFP)

وكان من المقرر أن تحضر كاميلا، دوقة كورنوال، زوجة الأمير تشارلز ولي العهد البريطاني ووالد هاري، هذه المناسبة، لكنها ألغت حضورها بسبب إصابتها بعدوى في الصدر تفاقمت خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (C) greets members of the armed forces and veterans after paying respects during a visit to the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey in central London on November 7, 2019. - The Field of Remembrance is organised by The Poppy Factory, and has been held in the grounds of Westminster Abbey since November 1928, when only two Remembrance Tribute Crosses were planted. In the run-up to Armistice Day, many Britons wear a paper red poppy -- symbolising the poppies which grew on French and Belgian battlefields during World War I -- in their lapels. (Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth / POOL / AFP)

(Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth / POOL / AFP)

وتعدّ هذه المرة هي الـ7 التي يشارك فيها هاري بهذه المناسبة، وقد سبق له أن خدم مع الجيش البريطاني في رحلتين بأفغانستان.

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex pay their respects after laying a Cross of Remembrance in front of wooden crosses from the Graves of Unknown British Soldiers from the First and Second World Wars, during their visit to the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey in central London on November 7, 2019. - The Field of Remembrance is organised by The Poppy Factory, and has been held in the grounds of Westminster Abbey since November 1928, when only two Remembrance Tribute Crosses were planted. In the run-up to Armistice Day, many Britons wear a paper red poppy -- symbolising the poppies which grew on French and Belgian battlefields during World War I -- in their lapels. (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP)

(Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP)

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