ما كان سرا أن إيران تأوي قيادات من القاعدة. التعاون بين الطرفين يعود بحسب باحثين الى عقد التسعينيات من القرن الماضي. وهو ما يتضح من تتبع خارطة معسكرات فيلق القدس التابع للحرس الثوري الإيراني ومعاقل القاعدة في إفريقيا.
ما يلفت الانتباه هنا هو ما قد يبدو تفاوتا عقائديا بين إيران شيعية وقاعدة سلفية. ويتعاظم التباين عندما نرى أن القاعدة في العراق مثلا كانت تستهدف الشيعة في المجمل. فلماذا تغامر إيران بإغضاب حلفائها من الشيعة بإيوائها قيادات القاعدة مثل الزرقاوي في وقت من الأوقات، وسيف العدل، وأخيرا أبو حفص الموريتاني، الذي تحدث مؤخرا لقناة الجزيرة عن وجوده لمدة عشر سنوات في إيران.

It’s not a secret that Iran hosts AQ members; according to researchers, the cooperation between the two parties is dated back to the nineties of the last century, which becomes clear by tracking the map of Al Quds Corps camps of the IRGC and AQ strongholds in Africa.


What is striking here is the ideological difference between the Shiite Iran and the Salafi AQ, the difference becomes very clear and large when we see how ISI attacked the Shiite of Iraq so why Iran hosts AQ’s leaders and angering its Shiite allies? Like hosting Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, Saif Al Adel and finally Abu Hafs Al Mouritani who talked to Al Jazerra Channel about his presence in Iran for ten years.


Abu Hafs Al Mauritani.


     We coordinated with some sides that we go into Iran on humanitarian bases as we had some families, widows and orphans with us.

     We agreed that these people will travel to their home countries ASAP and not to make Iran as a base to attack any other side and we fulfilled these commitments.

     You can say that I was one of those who coordinated these agreements.

     Some travelled and I was among those who stayed in Iran.

     Our stay in Iran went through different stages and the last stages are hard to be described as “house arrest” but it was rather like hosting us with some restrictions.

     Nobody interrogated us while we were in Iran including western or Arabic sides.

     Frankly Iranians were very attached to their sovereignty and maintained it through not allowing any foreign side to interrogate us but in the same time they used us as a card in their dealing with other countries.

     Iranians themselves didn’t interrogate us but they asked us simple questions and we had nothing to hide at that time.

     Some of the persons who entered Iran were senior leaders in Al Qaeda and were members in its Shura council.