أخبار الآن | واشنطن- الولايات المتحدة  (أ.ف.ب)

في لاس فيغاس, يقوم أستاذ مساعد في كلية التمريض في جامعة UNLV الدكتور ريجل جاي تان ، بصناعة دروع مخصصة للوجه تسمى “iCareFaceShields” في منزله للعاملين في مجال الرعاية الصحية وسط تفشي فيروس كورونا المستجد.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - APRIL 22: UNLV School of Nursing assistant professor Dr. Rhigel Jay Tan, a licensed nurse practitioner in psychiatric mental health, displays sketches he drew as he makes custom-made face shields called "iCareFaceShields" at his home for health care workers amid the coronavirus pandemic on April 22, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Tan designed the shields and can make them for about 40 cents each using a piece of polyethylene foam cut from a pool noodle, a sheet of projector transparency film, and an elastic band. He also makes cloth face masks that he calls "iCareMasks" for about USD 1.20. Since he began making them with help from friends and family about two weeks ago, Tan has donated more than 350 shields and 120 masks to Las Vegas-area hospitals and medical facilities. The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic on March 11th. Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP


و صمم الدكتور تان الدروع باستخدام قطعة من رغوة “البولي إيثيلين”، و ورقة شفافة، وحزام مطاطي.

كما قام ايضا بصنع  أقنعة الوجه القماشية التي يطلق عليها “iCareMasks” مقابل 1.20 دولار أمريكي.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - APRIL 22: UNLV School of Nursing assistant professor Dr. Rhigel Jay Tan, a licensed nurse practitioner in psychiatric mental health, makes custom-made face shields called "iCareFaceShields" at his home for health care workers amid the coronavirus pandemic on April 22, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Tan designed the shields and can make them for about 40 cents each using a piece of polyethylene foam cut from a pool noodle, a sheet of projector transparency film, and an elastic band. He also makes cloth face masks that he calls "iCareMasks" for about USD 1.20. Since he began making them with help from friends and family about two weeks ago, Tan has donated more than 350 shields and 120 masks to Las Vegas-area hospitals and medical facilities. The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic on March 11th. Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP


و بدأ في صنعها بمساعدة الأصدقاء والعائلة منذ حوالي أسبوعين.

و تبرع الدكتور تان بأكثر من 350 درعًا و 120 قناعًا للمستشفيات والمنشآت الطبية في منطقة لاس فيغاس.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - APRIL 22: A test custom-made face shield made for health care workers is displayed on a mannequin at the home of UNLV School of Nursing assistant professor Dr. Rhigel Jay Tan, a licensed nurse practitioner in psychiatric mental health, amid the coronavirus pandemic on April 22, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Tan designed the face shields, which he calls "iCareFaceShields," and can make them for about 40 cents each using a piece of polyethylene foam cut from a pool noodle, a sheet of projector transparency film, and an elastic band. He also makes cloth face masks that he calls "iCareMasks" for about USD 1.20. Since he began making them with help from friends and family about two weeks ago, Tan has donated more than 350 shields and 120 masks to Las Vegas-area hospitals and medical facilities. The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic on March 11th. Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP


و  أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية أن فيروس كورونا المستجد هو  وباء عالمي يوم 11 مارس2020.

مصدر الصورة:AFP


بتقنيات “غير مسبوقة” .. عملاء صينيون يبثون الذعر في الولايات المتحدة